Get Your Free Strength & Conditioning Workouts & 
Fitness Tips For Trimesters 1, 2 & 3 
Feel Strong & Capable Exercising Through Pregnancy,
While Preparing For Your Strongest Life Ahead!
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 3 Pregnancy Workouts & 
 Fitness Tips By Trimester 
Hey there! 
I'm Margaret, & I'm so glad you're here. 

This sample guide is a peek at my 36-week prenatal fitness program

(which I personally customize to match your individual needs & body as they change). 

I'm so passionate about this strength training program because I know first-hand how well it works 

by using evidence-based exercise & adapting to meet you right where you are.

Not only have I done this exercise program myself through pregnancy, 

but I've seen how it helps my clients achieve comfortable, active pregnancies where they feel confident in their movement & mindset toward exercise, 

leading to more empowered birth experiences & easier postpartum recoveries (with fewer core & pelvic floor complications).

We consider where you come from, where you are today, & where you want to be in 2, 10 & 40 years from now to make the most effective & sustainable fitness programming as your life & body change.

Speaking of change...

Your body, energy levels & priorities change fast in pregnancy!

Your workouts should move with these changes & support your long-term health & enjoyment of movement, 

without increasing your risk of core & pelvic floor issues or injuries with exercise down the road. 

It matters to stay in the moment AND  one step ahead when we're training during pregnancy. 

Pregnancy can bring about a lot questioning, researching & decision-making. 

It can feel overwhelming with navigating exercise & all the "right" things to do to have a healthy pregnancy & future of fitness.

The advice we get from the internet, prenatal appointments, or friends & family is often misinformed, unreliable, or doesn't reflect our individual needs & interests. 

When we have clear guidance & direction in our workouts, 

easy access to information based on science & compassionate coaching experience, 

& ongoing support to make the necessary adjustments for our needs & body....

We can feel confident in our journeys with less time, energy & worry.

I want to give you the tools to feel strong & capable in this new chapter of your body, life & fitness moving forward!

  • Modify strength training as pregnancy progresses
  • Learn to engage your core & pelvic floor with exercise
  • Reduce leaking, pain, diastasis recti or prolapse symptoms to protect your long-term core & pelvic health
  • Get started with exercise no matter where you are in pregnancy, with a full-length strength workout from each trimester
  • Gain a basic understanding of prenatal exercise considerations & healthy goals by trimester, with over 30 video exercise demos!
This free guide can help you:
Whether you're thinking about a future pregnancy, 
or you're a few months into your current pregnancy,
This sample guide can help you get started or gain clarity about your approach to fitness.
Strongest Pregnancy™ 
Sample Guide
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Strong As A Mom